Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
You may use and re-use the information published on this website free of charge under the terms of the Open Government Licence 3.0.
This does not include stock images which are the copyright of Shutterstock.com and their authorisation to use such material must be obtained.
We make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, reliable and up to date. The Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Management Office, its employees, suppliers and other parties involved in creating and delivering this website does not accept liability for any direct or indirect damage, loss or inconvenience caused by reliance arising from the use of this site.
This website contains links to other sites, which may not be operated by the Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Management Office. The Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Management Office is not responsible for the content of these sites and does not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience that may occur from the use of such sites.