About us
The Swansea Bay City Deal (SBCD) was signed in 2017 by the then Heads of UK Government and Welsh Government, Prime Minister Teresa May and Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones, along with the Leaders of the four South West Wales Local Authorities.
The City Deal sits within the portfolios of the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning for Welsh Government and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales, UK Government. It is a total investment of up to £1.3 billion over a period of 15 years. This consists of a £241m Investment Fund from UK Government and Welsh Governments; £396m public sector funding and around £642m from the private sector.
The City Deal Investment Fund has been allocated across three regional and six location-based programmes and projects that will deliver 36 individual elements.
Based on the Swansea Bay City Region Economic Regeneration Strategy 2013-2030, the Swansea Bay City Deal is an integrated, transformational approach to delivering the scale and nature of investment needed to support plans for growth in the region.
As outlined in the “Internet Coast”, the strategic vision for the Swansea Bay City Region is to create a super smart innovation region which will inform and advance solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of modern times in the areas of economic acceleration, smart manufacturing, energy, life science and well-being.
The City Deal will increase training, job and business opportunities for local businesses and local people. It will also raise the region’s profile as an innovator in the fields of life science and well-being; energy; digital innovation and smart manufacturing at a regional, national and international level.
The Swansea Bay City Deal achieved a significant milestone in December 2021, when all nine of its transformational projects and programmes were approved by the UK Government and Welsh Government. This means that the whole portfolio, estimated to attract £1.3 billion of investment by 2033, was in full delivery and will provide opportunities for many regional businesses and residents.
£1.28 billion Total Investment
£1.8 billion + Economic Impact
9,000+ Jobs Created
36 Individual Projects
Rhynhrwyd Cyflymu'r Economi
Internet of Economic Acceleration
Y Rhyngrwyd Gwyddorau Bywyd a Llesiant
Internet of Life Science and Well-being
Y Rhyngrwyd Ynni
Internet of Energy