Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone

Pembrokeshire Demonstration Zone (PDZ)
Led by Celtic Sea Power, PDZ has a 35-year lease with The Crown Estate to test and demonstrate wave and tidal technologies.
The emergence of Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW), the proximity to the four Test and Demonstration projects and three Floating Offshore Wind Round 5 Project Development Areas has catalysed the potential for the PDZ to support technology developers with a site that can offer validation services to warranty standard.
Through this, the PDZ will enable UK technology to be deployed in this £20Bn industry on the region’s doorstep, creating social value within and driving inward investment into the Region.
The potential for the PDZ to support Wales and UK’s green hydrogen aspirations is also being delivered through the Milford Haven : Hydrogen Kingdom Project in collaboration with Dolphyn Hydrogen, Wales & West Utilities and ORE Catapult.