Financial Incentives Fund

Financial Incentives Fund
A £5.75m fund that is available to incentivise Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s), Local Authorities, Private Sector developers and landlords to install technology into homes to create houses that are cleaner, greener and more efficient to run.
The Homes as Power Stations (HAPS) project will encourage applications for new build and retrofit schemes within the region at any stage of planning and delivery.
To maximise impact it is expected that HAPS funding will work alongside other funding streams, which may include the Optimised Retrofit Programme, ECO Funding or other private developer investments.
Who is eligible for the Financial Incentives Fund?
Applications must relate to houses based in the Swansea Bay City Deal area, specifically homes in Neath Port Talbot, Swansea, Carmarthenshire or Pembrokeshire postcodes.