£506 million Total Investment
£15 million City Deal Investment
£115 million Public Sector Investment
£376 million Private Sector Investment
The Homes as Power Stations (HAPS) project will facilitate the adoption of energy efficient design and renewable technologies into homes helping to tackle fuel poverty, cut carbon emissions and support economic growth in the renewable technology supply chain across the region.
As well as supporting the development of energy efficient design in new build schemes and in the retrofitting of existing homes, the project will undertake a comprehensive programme of monitoring and data collection to inform future investment.
Financial support is available to incentivise housing developments and to support renewable technology supply chains across the region.
This regional project will:
- Create 1,804 jobs
- Support 10,300 new and existing homes with renewable technologies
- Create over 10,417 KWh energy savings
- Reduce CO2 emissions by over 19,000 tonnes per year
- £251 million contribution to regional GVA
Financial Incentive Fund
A £5.75m fund will incentivise Registered Social Landlords, Local Authorities, Private Sector developers and landlords to install technology into homes to create houses that are cleaner, greener and more efficient to run.
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
The project has commissioned the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University to carry out technical monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the HAPS technology in a variety of locations and fabric type houses.
Supply Chain Fund
A £7m fund that is available to support businesses within the Swansea Bay City Region with the intention to identify as wide as possible, a potential supply chain for renewable technology.
Demonstration Houses
The HAPS Demonstration Houses, built in partnership with Tai Tarian and Cardiff University’s Welsh School of Architecture showcase renewable technology within a home.