Mrs Davies is one of six private sector experts sitting on the City Deal’s Economic Strategy Board, which provides City Deal decision-makers with specialist guidance.
It’s the potential power of the City Deal to improve communities and people’s lives across the Swansea Bay City Region which interested her in becoming involved, she says.
Functions of Economic Strategy Board members – who are unpaid - include providing strategic direction for the City Deal, reviewing project business cases, and making recommendations to the City Deal’s Joint Committee for approval.
Mrs Davies, who grew up in Pontardawe, said: “The really exciting thing about the City Deal is that it’s a long-term investment programme that will be investing in a number of very significant projects across the region.
“But what I’m especially interested in is how the City Deal positively impacts on the region’s communities and citizens. It has the power to create opportunities for people to access skills and high-quality jobs, which will enable prosperity in our communities.
“It’s also essential that local businesses and local supply chains benefit from these projects.”
Over the years, Mrs Davies has also worked in the finance and manufacturing sectors.
But having now served as Pobl Group Chief Executive for three years, it’s her passion for housing that comes to the fore.
“I care very much about creating great places to live and providing affordable housing,” said Mrs Davies. “And there are projects within the City Deal that will create more affordable homes in our region because of the energy-saving solutions they’ll incorporate. This includes the pan-region Homes as Power Stations project, which will feature the construction of highly energy-efficient new homes – some of which are already being constructed in Neath.
“But the project is also about finding ways to make existing homes in the region more efficient by retro-fitting technologies such as photovoltaic and other solutions. This will make energy more affordable, and help increase the disposable income that families have.
“This project will also create skills, learning and jobs around the renewable energy sector – which is of real importance to the Swansea Bay City Region.”
Chaired by Ed Tomp – Managing Director and Vice President of Valero UK in Pembrokeshire - other private sector members of the Economic Strategy Board include Scarlets Chairman Nigel Short, Industry Wales Executive Chair James Davies, Riversimple Financial Director Chris Foxall, and retired Consultant Surgical Oncologist Simon Holt.
Mrs Davies said: “The City Deal is a catalyst for much more investment across the region, so a vital part of the Economic Strategy Board’s role is to make sure that happens. We need to ensure the City Deal investment is benefitting local businesses and enabling much wider investment, too.”
The Swansea Bay City Deal is due to be funded by the UK Government, the Welsh Government, the public sector and the private sector. It’s being led by the four Swansea Bay City Region local authorities, the two regional health boards, Swansea University and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David
By part-funding 11 major projects in Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire and Swansea, the City Deal is projected to be worth £1.8 billion and over 9,000 well-paid jobs to the City Region in coming years.