Graduate Project Officer at Celtic Sea Power, delivery partner in Pembroke Dock Marine project

Amelia graduated from Swansea University with a BEng in Civil Engineering in 2020 and then spent a year working in engineering design as a Structural Engineer at a small consultancy specialized in domestic construction.

Amelia then decided to return to university and study for an MSc in Coastal Engineering in the University of Plymouth. Three months before graduating from her Masters she started her graduate job at Celtic Sea Power, where she wrote her dissertation on hybrid renewable energy supply to island communities.

The main aim of her graduate job is to build a model of all energy use in the area, and how this might change in the run up to Net Zero targets. It involves talking with industries like ports and studying their current energy use and operations. She also looks at how energy generation is likely to change and how natural resources can be maximised.

Amelia is working towards becoming a chartered engineer at Celtic Sea Power and is hoping her current role will help her do this. She would love to see technologies like wave and tidal energy become more commercial and hopes she’ll be able to work on integrating them into our energy system. Her long term aim is to work on small scale renewable energy projects, powering ports or small islands.

Joining as a graduate has given Amelia the opportunity to lead on projects and she has been given great experience in a company that is actually going to make a difference in the future.

My advice to graduates looking for a graduate job would be to consider specialising in a subject if you plan to do a Masters - My course was in Coastal Engineering! Use LinkedIn for your job searches as a lot of companies don’t have graduate schemes but will still take graduates, and if there is company that you are interested in, send them an email! Don’t be afraid of applying to jobs that you don’t think you’re qualified for.